What to do when you hair products stop working.

You style your hair with your favorite product combo on wash day, and once it dries you discover in frustration, “My hair products don’t work anymore!”

Can I get a “Yesssss” if this has ever happened to you? 🙋🏽‍♀️

Now, answer this question for me real quick. True or False: It's possible for a hair product to 'stop working' in your hair?

Take a moment, say to yourself silently what you really think...

Got your answer? Okay cool, press on.

myth: hair products do not stop working.
our hair habits or hormonal & environmental changes can make a product seem as if it has stopped working. however, the composition of a hair product does not change (unless the formula changes), while our habits and internal bodies are always in flux.
— Kenya Johnson, The Curl Coach™

The Two Most Common Reasons Your Hair Responds Differently to a Product:

1. You have product build-up
Layering products, using oils and butters, and remoisturizing throughout the week all create build-up on your strands. If you are not properly cleansing your hair on a consistent basis, that residual product film will create a barrier on your hair preventing any new product from reaching your stands and fully delivering the moisture and nutrients that your hair needs. When your hair doesn’t get what it needs, it freaks out. On the surface, it seems like your tried and true product no longer does it for you when in reality, that product is being prevented from reaching your strands and doing its job.

2. Your hair’s needs have changed and either, no longer need the benefits of the product or need more than what the product gives.
For example, if your hair has been damaged and you begin using more protein-rich products to restore your hair, once your hair has enough protein those products will not work as well for you. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

This also works in the reverse. Say you recently moved to a new location and notice your hair is super dry. Your favorite products you use for moisture are no longer giving you the same results. Your hair may need more high-quality products, a different product layering combination, a more moisturizing styler, or the addition of light oil to compensate for what is now missing in your regimen. 

How To Solve This!

1. If product buildup is your problem, learn what cleansing method works best for your porosity and consistently cleanse so that you don't run into this issue again. Learn your porosity, the proper cleansing method, how often you should be cleansing, PLUS build a cleansing schedule as apart of your staple regimen using the Hair Goal Guide. This guide will walk you through creating your simple, effective regimen from the ground up and is on sale for $25 in honor of my 25th birthday on April 25th :) This is a limited offer.

2. To determine if your hair no longer needs a product or if something is missing, take some time to reflect on your hair over the past weeks. Evaluate when you noticed a change and how your hair has been reacting lately. If your hair feels dryer than normal or if you are not able to maintain your styles as long, your hair is most likely lacking moisture. If your hair is feeling brittle, frizzy, weak and you are experiencing breakage - you are most likely lacking protein.

Don't know where to start? Use the Hair Goal Guide to master your hair. Grab it at the $25 discounted price while you still can!

Now, what do you think? Is it possible for a hair product to stop working in your hair?

Love you all :)
